Zip, the Sheepdog

Zip, the Sheepdog

The story of a pastoral adventure Category : Children Text : Malou Ravella Illustrations : Florence Schumpp Size : 21 x 28 cm/ Hardback 64 pages Gilletta ISBN : 9782359561661 / 16,50 € Release date : Mar 16, 22 Rights available

This fascinating tale about shepherding life up in the mountains is narrated by Zip, the sheepdog belonging to Maurice, aided and abetted by Maurice's grand-daughter, Lisa. Looking after the ewes, herding them, keeping an eye on the lambs, protecting them and preparing the cheese are all tasks that fall to the shepherd, who has no time to hang about but still manages to appreciate the beauty of the landscape and the company of the animals. Living a natural life, at one with the mountains, is undoubtedly tough but also so rich…