Origin Paradise

Origin Paradise

Category : Literature Thierry Brun Size : 12 x 20 cm/ Paper cover with flaps 300 pages Hors d'atteinte ISBN : 9782490579761 / 17 € Release date : Feb 04, 20 Rights available

Thomas Bral watched his parents jump out a window during a police raid when he was just 10 years old. From the Catholic boarding school he attended and his aunt who provided only the bare minimum, to his first love, Laurent, his only friend, and Roger, his new uncle, who tried shape his personality but did not have the tools. Conscious of the rejection that inspired him, he seeks to avoid his original environment without ever clearly taking sides. It is finally when working for France Réelle, a consulting company that flirted with lobbying, that he finds himself confronted by his family and, more broadly, his past, in a much more direct manner than he would ever have believed.

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