Nietzsche versus Foucault

Nietzsche versus Foucault

Truth, knowledge and power Category : Philosophy, spirituality, psychology Jacques Bouveresse Size : 12 x 21 cm/ Paper Cover 260 pages French Agone ISBN : 9782748902488 / 15 € Release date : Rights available

For the past 50 years, the writings of Nietzsche and later Michel Foucault, a reader of Nietzsche, on truth have played a major role in French intellectual life and philosophy.
Referring to Foucault’s interpretation of Nietzsche, which he considers partial, biased and debatable, Jacques Bouveresse focuses on the concepts of truth, knowledge and power and how Foucault pulls them all together. Bouveresse shows that you cannot assume the need for truthfulness without, in some way or other, relying on truth – which is something Nietzsche knew and did, but not Foucault.