The Functioning of the Yi Jing

The Functioning of the Yi Jing

Category : Philosophy, spirituality, psychology Cyrille Javary 100 illustrations F0007 : Collection : La paume de la main Size : 15,5 x 15,5 cm/ Hardback 132 pages French Éditions Picquier ISBN : 2877305635 / 10,52 € Release date : Jan 01, 11 Rights available

Most of the westerners use Yi Jing oracles only to heal their anguishes, but ignore the philosophical treasures hidden behind its text. Cyrille Javary, a Sinologue and expert in the Ying-Yang thought, delivers in this book the basic wisdom of Yi Jing (Book of Mutation), demonstrates the fundamental philosophy of Chinese civilisation and reveal the secrets of one of the most fascinating systems ever produced by human intelligence.