The Quantum World: A Paradox of Relativity?

The Quantum World: A Paradox of Relativity?

Category : Science & engineering Author : Jean Perdijon 42 illustrations Size : 17 x 19 cm/ Paper Cover 144 pages French DésIris ISBN : 9782364030572 / 19,50 € Release date : Jan 01, 14 Rights available

In 1905, Einstein developed the two formulas – E = mc2 et E = hv –, that everyone has accepted for a century. The first led to a new interpretation of mass and energy. The second led to the discretisation of energy and to the photon. Two opposed conceptions, that string theory cannot reconcile. Before hunting for a supertheory, is it not simpler to explain the bizarreness of the quantum world as one of the paradoxes of relativity?