The Puppet and its String

The Puppet and its String

Wittgenstein, Tolstoi, Nietzsche, Gottfried Keller and the problem of faith Category : Philosophy, spirituality, psychology Author : Jacques Bouveresse F0007 : Collection : Bancs d'essai Size : 12 x 21 cm/ Paper Cover 288 pages French Agone ISBN : 9782748902105 / 22 € Release date : Rights available

After Can One Be a Non Believer? and What Should We Do With Religion?, this book is the third of a trilogy on the philosophy of religion. For Jacques Bouveresse, what is at stake is above all how we see faith as an attitude for confronting life. The author sheds light on Wittgenstein’s ideas by relating them to Keller’s and pitting them against Tolstoi, Nietzsche, Ibsen, and others.