The Doukhobors' land

The Doukhobors' land

Category : Photography Photographs : Natela Grigalashvili Text : Damien Bouticourt 90 colour photographs Size : 29 x 23,5 cm/ 144 pages French & English Images Plurielles Editions ISBN : 978291943644 / 30 € Release date : Oct 10, 21 Rights available

In 18th century Russia, a Spiritual Christian community known as the Doukhobors sprang up. Ardent pacifists, their desire was to live out their faith unfettered, and they rejected all use of force. Their history is a story wrought with victimisation and persecution from the Russian Orthodox church and the Tsars. In search of a simple, peaceful life, they remained steadfast to their doctrine. Moved by their situation and the torments they endured, Tolstoy came to their aid. He started an emigration fund that would enable them to escape to Canada, where a diaspora is still present today. In Georgia, however, the populations of once-flourishing Doukhobor villages are slowly dissipating.