The shadow of Kate

The shadow of Kate

or my unknown grandfather Category : Photography Photographs : Colette Pourroy Texts : Fabien Ribery, Maurice Salün 22 photographs Size : 16,5 x 21 cm/ Hardback 64 pages / Black & white French & English André Frère Éditions ISBN : 9782492696084 / 25 € Release date : Jun 21, 22 Rights available

A baby, on a train station's platform held tightly by a mother to her heart, a father returning to war in 1916 after a short leave granted for the birth of his child, then an explosion, disaster, death. Faithful to her ancestor, Colette Pourroy replays the signs of fate with the 22 tarot cards of her photographs, invoking an exorcism to transform evil into discrete illuminations. Fabien Ribery, extract.