Zucchinis, I love you

Zucchinis, I love you

Category : Cooking Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré F0007 : Je vous aime Size : 14 x 22 cm/ Paper Cover 72 pages / Colour French Le Sureau ISBN : 291132806X / 10 € Release date : Jun 01, 09 Rights available

Does the zucchini really deserve its reputation of being dull and uninteresting ?  Zucchinis, I love you… passionately gives proof to the contrary ! From appetizers to dessert, Beatrice Vigot-Lagandré serves us more than 80 recipes, proving that a second look and a bit of imagination are enough to dress this common squash up into something mouth-watering and inviting. Excellent for your health, full of vitamins, the zucchini is also extremely economical and easy to prepare. So… pass the zucchinis, please !