Athens and its islands

Athens and its islands

Category : Photography Photographs : Jean Paul Olive Foreword : Nikos Graikos 96 B&W photographs Size : 30 x 22 cm/ Hardback 132 pages French & English Images Plurielles Editions ISBN : 9782919436453 / 29 € Release date : Apr 10, 21 Rights available

Athens and its islands, or should we say Athens and her daughters. We can see Ariadne’s thread running between them and forming an ancient connection with the Capital, the motherland. All Greeks, including those in far-flung places, have a favourite island. To reach them, I had only to let the waves carry me and the years pass. Happy just like Odysseus.
The first photo dates back to 1983, taken at Easter on the island of Rhodes. It marked the start of my adventures with this seafaring people.