The Itineraries of Cultural Creatives

The Itineraries of Cultural Creatives

Embodying the transition today Category : Humanities and social science Author : Elsa Dréau-Rivière Photographer : Elsa Dréau-Rivière 72 photos F0007 : Société civile Size : 24 x 16,5 cm/ Paper Cover 160 pages / Colour French Yves Michel ISBN : 9782364290501 / 22,50 € Release date : Jan 01, 14 Rights available

The author paints us portraits (with interviews and photographs) of atypical and engaged personalities, actors in changing the world today: organic farmers, a clown, a teacher, artisans, artists, and a midwife. All living by the values of Cultural Creatives: ecology, civic engagement and local action, multicultural openness, inner life... A call to take our lives into our own hands, to give us courage and to create, to build!