Soul Brothers

Soul Brothers

Category : Humanities and social science Edgar Morin, Pierre Rabhi Size : 11,5 x 21,5 cm/ Paper Cover 176 pages Editions de l'Aube ISBN : 9782815940962 / 17,90 € Release date : Jan 21, 21 Rights available

“A marvellous encounter, a brilliant exchange, a burning message: light radiates from this original dialogue between Edgar Morin and Pierre Rabhi. A moment of grace, a sort of miracle. The sociologist and the agroecologist dissect how, the Covid-19 pandemic, to a lesser extent, and, the state of the world, to a greater extent, are summoning mankind’s humanity to a civilisational tipping point. Together, they outline a new way of thinking, where poetry, love and intelligence light the way to a “regenerated humanism” and a brotherhood of the soul. Brilliant.” Denis Lafay.