Sleepless night in Madras

Sleepless night in Madras

Category : Literature Sarah Dars F0007 : Collection : Picquier Poche Size : 11 x 17 cm/ Paper Cover 168 pages French Éditions Picquier ISBN : 2877304760 / 6 € Release date : Jan 01, 00 Rights available

In the middle of the Dîvâpalî festival, the young Suryâ Mitra disappeared surreptitiously in the suburb of Madras. Murder or Kidnapping ? Being a family friend of Mitra, Doc decides to look into this affair. On his way, he meets Gopan, the police inspector, Gokul, the shopkeeper, and above all, Kâli’s adorers. The same who, a long time ago, were generous on human flesh for their Mother Goddess.