Papa, what is infinity?

Papa, what is infinity?

Category : Literature Author : Jacques Biolley F0007 : Collection : Moïsa Size : 14,5 x 22 cm/ Paper Cover 176 pages / Colour + black & white Wallâda ISBN : 9782904201653 / 18 € Release date : Mar 01, 12 Rights available

Here, the author, a Swiss painter, examines his daughters’ early childhood, fighting the destructive power of memory. These charming, stylistically sound anecdotes, which the author had never before put on paper, are presented in an idyllic tableau that makes no attempt to leave out drama, violence and injustice, and culminate in a powerful evocation of the ancestors worthy of remembrance. This tender examination also brings Jacques Biolley’s albums to life, as well as his first essay, "Comme un ciel de Chagall", also prefaced by Jacques Salomé. Each of these two essays, which take a subtle approach to themes which writers rarely tackle, forms a perfect complement to the other.