My moon body

My moon body

Category : Literature Philippe Coupey Size : 14 x 22 cm/ Paper Cover 240 pages / Black & white French DésIris ISBN : 9782915418187 / 19 € Release date : Jan 01, 01 Rights available

Throughout the summer of 1981, one year before his death, Zen Master Taisen Deshimaru, the modern-day Bodhidharma, translated and commented on forty-seven Eiheikoroku poems by Master Dogen. A quarter of a century later, Philippe Coupey, completely revised these comments drawing on his experience as a teacher and his personal understanding of Zen Satori as transmitted by Bodhidharma. He's teachings clearly demonstrate the metamorphosis of a student, and point directly toward enlightenment, the path and life of men and women of satori in our modern world.