My long and winding road

My long and winding road

Category : Literature Author : Jean Vilane 25 illustrations F0007 : Collection : Moïsa Size : 11 x 18 cm/ Paper Cover 316 pages / Colour + black & white French Wallâda ISBN : 978290420714 / 14 € Release date : Mar 01, 14 Rights available

The third and final volume of a juicy trilogy by a teacher, actor and trainer whom Jean Vilar called his "alter ego" when Jean Vilane had him and his artists assist in his classes. Through excerpts from Beatles songs, it tells the story of a man who is able to read his own future in the signs of everyday life. This wonderful in-depth story can be read independently of Corset teuton du garde champêtre de Caromb and Passion Vilar. It will be adapted as a musical tale for the Chien Qui Fume theatre in Avignon, after the successful adaptation as a graphic novel of his story Camargue rouge.