Meriem's Harki

Meriem's Harki

Category : Literature Mehdi Charef F0007 : Collection : Infidèles Size : 11 x 17 cm/ Paper Cover 238 pages / Black & white French Agone ISBN : 9782748902853 / 15 € Release date : Rights available

Meriem’s life, married as she is to Azzedine while showing all the signs of a repudiated woman, harbours all the injustices of Franco-Algerian history. But it is also Meriem – and the memories of her – that will embolden her children, and then her grandchildren, to reclaim in Algeria and in France the respect and dignity that her generation had never obtained.
Born in Algeria in 1952, novelist, screenwriter and filmmaker Mehdi Charef’s life was housing projects, slums and factories before publishing four books and directing eleven films.