

Category : Literature Delphine Roux Size : 13 x 20,5 cm/ Paper Cover 128 pages French Éditions Picquier ISBN : 2809711110 / 12,50 € Release date : Jan 01, 15 Rights available

[Kokoro] is a novel exploring the intimate, minute, subtle changes in people. It explores the grief and gradual rebuilding of Koichi and his sister Seki, each in their own way cut off from life, after the accidental death of their parents when they were teens.Seki seeks refuge in her work and career. Koichi simply withdraws from the world, observing it with a close eye.But when he learns that his sister is ill, very ill, Koichi wakes up and finally goes into action that allows them each to renew themselves with a heartfelt happiness buried since childhood, kokoro