Chickens prefer their cages

Chickens prefer their cages

Industrial wellbeing and technological dictatorship Category : Humanities and social science Armand Farrachi F0007 : Collection : Société civile Size : 12 x 22 cm/ Paper Cover 128 pages / Black & white French Yves Michel ISBN : 9782364290099 / 10 € Release date : Jun 01, 12 Rights available

A scientific study on battery chicken behavior a few years ago concluded that they were not bothered by their cage, but on the contrary, felt more sure than elsewhere. But from this to draw the conclusion that chickens prefer cages is a huge leap. With the same line of thinking, couldn't it also be said that calves prefer the dark, lion seals want to be displayed at circuses and that Indians desire to be left on reservations?
As for ourselves, are we not more and more lead to define our “wellbeing” as a function of an economy that no longer hesitates submitting man to the demands of industry?

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