100% Japan

100% Japan

Discover and understand in 546 images Category : Tourism Text & photos Jean-Marie Bouissou Size : 13,9 x 18,9 cm/ Paper cover with flaps 432 pages / Black & white Éditions Picquier ISBN : 9782809714869 / 20 € Release date : Jan 07, 21 Rights available

This is not a guidebook. It does not list “what to see in Japan”, but it will divert your gaze towards temples and gardens that are not in the actual guidebooks. Discover the sources of social order, causes of urban anarchy and sense of celebration of the cherry trees in images. Unbelievable quality of service. The art of eating and (in particular) drinking. Learn to distinguish between the four systems of writing and to survive on the metro. Visit social housing complexes and love hotels. And make sense of this changing country.