An Industrial Town in the Carmargue - Salin-de-Giraud

An Industrial Town in the Carmargue - Salin-de-Giraud

Category : Architecture Thierry Durrousseau Plans, dessins & photos Size : 16,5 x 24,5 cm/ 144 pages French Parenthèses ISBN : 978286364253 / 19 € Release date : Rights available

The study describes step by step the creation of this industrial gateway in the heart of the Carmargue, an important area of production, of scientific research, but also of the development of rationalized urban planning leading to one of the first garden cities. From this clever urban construction, with a mix not only of living accommodation and work placements but also facilities such as a school, hospital and clubs, will be born a secular city in a distinctive setting. At Salin-de-Giraud, under the patronym of the companies Pechiney and Solvay, the suburbs will produce a tradition of mining salt both local and grass roots, ties forged between the Mediterranean integration and social struggle.