A dream of oblivion

A dream of oblivion

Category : Photography Author & photographer : Pia Elizondo 54 photos F0007 : Collection : notes Size : 15 x 15,5 cm/ Paper cover with flaps 82 pages / Black & white French & Spanish Arnaud Bizalion Éditeur ISBN : 9782369800576 / 16 € Release date : Rights available

Pia Elizondo photographs her intimate thoughts, bodies becoming spirits and pious images battling night-time gods. Her work tells of human beasts, the reappearance of forgotten civilisations, and black holes from which we emerge drenched in sweat, relieved to see daylight streaming through the blinds. These square, shadowy photographs shrouded in darkness, displayed alone or in groups, leave us no respite, pulling us by the sleeve and plunging us under the gravestones of the dreaming world.