New Zealand: The Bird Archipelago

New Zealand: The Bird Archipelago

Category : Photography Samuel Bloch 240 photographs Size : 23,5 x 23,5 cm/ Paper cover with flaps 216 pages / Colour Omniscience ISBN : 9791097502669 / 32 € Release date : Dec 07, 23 Rights available

New Zealand captivates visitors with its splendid landscapes and unique endemic birds. However, it also faces a significant challenge, having one of the highest rates of animal species becoming endangered. Yet, isolated pockets of nature persist. This book explores this endearing land through its various habitats: peaks, valleys, forests, wetlands, and coastal areas, as well as the subantarctic islands with their distinct ecosystems. This rare volume, featuring 240 exceptional photographs, offers a window onto New Zealand's wonderful, majestic nature.