Max Pam by Bernard Plossu

Max Pam by Bernard Plossu

Category : Photography Photographs: Max Pam Text: Bernard Plossu F0007 : Collection : Juste entre nous Size : 14 x 19 cm/ Paper Cover 152 pages / Colour + black & white French André Frère Éditions ISBN : 9791092265491 / 19,50 € Release date : Nov 01, 16 Rights available

Max Pam, traveler, hippy, father, husband, funny, loving, adventurer? All that. We met through the pages of a magazine! I saw photos of him in the English review Creative Camera in 1973! They were so different from what I’d previously seen on India, I loved them so much that I wrote to congratulate him. I was dying to know who he was, he replied and we've been friends ever since “a lifelong friendship” including visits to Paris, and even family trips to Santa Fe in the 1980’s!
Some Australian he was! He left his country drawn by India and is a full-blown hippy!
His thing, or if I may say so, his mission, and practically his destiny is Asia. He has been everywhere, from India to China via Bormeo, deserts, mountains, snow, gurus, wise men and prostitutes, poverty and the tropics, he has photographed everything.
Bernard Plossu
