Reading at all cost

Reading at all cost

Category : Photography Photographs: Mathieu Do Duc Text: Eric Sarner & Claude-Alain Arnaud 75 photographs Size : 22 x 22 cm/ Paper Cover 120 pages / Black & white French Images Plurielles Editions ISBN : 9782919436330 / 25 € Release date : Aug 26, 19 Rights available

The readers, a sort of tribe, as Rahan (the comic book hero) would call them. Men and women, young and less young, reading in the street, on the subway, on the plane, and many other surprising or mainstream places. What they read is as interesting: a newspaper, a paperback, a magazine, an advertisement, a tourist guide, a map… They are, most of the time, on their own, but sometimes there are two of them or even more.
