A chinese little red riding hood

A chinese little red riding hood

Category : Children Marie Sellier Illustrator : Catherine Louis Size : 17 x 27 cm/ 44 pages French Éditions Picquier ISBN : 9782809702170 / 24, 50 € Release date : Jan 05, 15 Rights available

A Chinese version of Little Red Riding Hood, but without red and without a hood If China is located almost on the other side of the Earth, wouldn't it stand to reason that stories and their morals get switched around as well? Here, it is grandmother who takes little homemade stuffed popovers to her three little girls, and who has the bad experience of meeting up with the wolf, as she makes her way over the desolate mountain. As for the three little girls, they don't have red hoods, but they are very, very impish. But more importantly, they are not afraid of the wolf!
This is an original accordion book created with black and white Chinese paper cut outs.