

Category : Children Text : Françoise Laurent Illustrations : Nicolas Gouny F0007 : Je sais ce que je mange Size : 22 x 25,5 cm/ Hardback 40 pages / Colour French Éditions du Ricochet ISBN : 9782352631552 / 12,50 € Release date : Apr 01, 16 Rights available Except Complex & Simplified Chinese, Korean & Vietnamese

Pollen-gathering bees suck up the sugary nectar from flowers and fly to the hive… the recipients mix it with their saliva, then deposit is in the cells… Very gradually, the nectar turns into honey! From the organisation of the hive to the importance of bees for life, you’ll discover everything about the production and collection of honey and other products resulting from the work of these pollen-gathering bees. You’ll also learn to recognise the different varieties of honey and whether they are genuine or not!
