The Emotional Challenge: A New Education Project

The Emotional Challenge: A New Education Project

Category : Body, mind & spirit Michel Claeys-Bouuaert F0007 : Collection : Naître & grandir Size : 15 x 21 cm/ Paper Cover 248 pages / Black & white French Le Souffle d'Or ISBN : 9782840586050 / 18 € Release date : Feb 01, 18 Rights available

In his book, Michel Claeys-Bouuaert, leader in the field of emotional intelligence, warns us of the importance of providing every child with an emotional education, complementary to their schooling. He provides a concrete and coherent vision of a society where care and compassion together with a desire to bring out a person's best qualities are at the centre of all educational processes and human interaction.
He is also the author of L’éducation émotionnelle de la maternelle au lycée (Emotional Education from Preschool to High School).