The Disabused Body: Sexual Violence, from the Assault to Healing

The Disabused Body: Sexual Violence, from the Assault to Healing

Category : Philosophy, spirituality, psychology Elsa Ballanfat Size : 14 x 21 cm/ Paper Cover 256 pages / Black & white Omniscience ISBN : 9791097502454 / 22 € Release date : Nov 10, 22 Rights available

This book looks at the loss of the self, the collapse of the body, and the decline of sensations that follow sexual assault and rape. But it also endeavors to sketch out a path to the vital reclaiming of the self, through accounts, analyses, and testimonies of victims. It posits concepts necessary to grasp the scale of this violence and its aftermath. Philosophical reflection then strives to raise awareness, combatting confusion and ignorance with the clear knowledge of a silently endured ordeal.