Salt Water Tears

Salt Water Tears

Category : Photography Photographer : Munem Wasif F0007 : Librement Size : 22 x 22 cm/ Hardback 120 pages French & English Images Plurielles Editions ISBN : 9782919436019 / 25 € Release date : Mar 01, 11 Rights available

Nobody knows for certain why the water levels are changing in the Bay of Bengal, but nevertheless they are. Striking photographs taken in the far south-west of Bangladesh by Munem Wasif illustrate the consequences of both global warming and the intensive shrimping industry on the ecosystem of his country. Salinity has risen and traditional agriculture is no longer possible. Birds, fish, insects and everything living on this land has been scorched by the ravaging effects of brackish water. A family needs six jugs of water a day and must travel nearly 11 kilometres to find them, ignoring the mud which comes up to their knees during the rainy season and braving the terrible biting winter cold. In this way six million people are suffering a catastrophe caused by the lack of fresh water.
Munem Wasif is represented by ' l’Agence Vu’'.

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