An Ordinary City: The Geneology of Lyon's Left Bank, 1781-1914

An Ordinary City: The Geneology of Lyon's Left Bank, 1781-1914

Category : Architecture Anne-Sophie Clémençon 290 illustrations F0007 : Collection : Architectures Size : 24 x 32 cm/ Flexi Bound 288 pages / Colour + black & white French Parenthèses ISBN : 9782863642962 / 38 € Release date : Mar 01, 15 Rights available

The “ordinary” parts of cities, the parts that slip past urban development plans and major urban projects, remain little known despite the growing interest they attract among researchers of urban morphology. To gain insight into them, the historian Anne-Sophie Clémençon has investigated the past of Lyon’s “rive gauche”. The result is a magnificent, richly documented urban saga, of immense methodological value.