The Possibility of a Child

The Possibility of a Child

Category : Literature Catherine Laurent Size : 11,8 × 20 cm/ Paper Cover 350 pages Hors d'atteinte ISBN : 9782382571439 / 22 € Release date : Feb 02, 24 Rights available

France, the 1980s. In this not-so-distant past, the lives of homosexual individuals were marked by silence, taboo, and AIDS. They knew that coming out could lead their parents to disown them; at work, it was safer to pretend to have a heterosexual partner.
When the narrator of this novel meets Julie in 1982, she realizes two things: one, she can no longer pretend to love men; two, she cannot envision a life without Julie and desires to have a child with her. One evening, Julie discovers that one of her colleagues is living with a man. After lengthy discussions, they decide to jointly become parents of the same child, forming a unique family unit.