Poetry; no one reads it

Poetry; no one reads it

Category : Poetry Marc Guimo Size : 11 x 17 cm/ Paper Cover 54 pages la Boucherie littéraire ISBN : 9791096861064 / 12 € Release date : May 04, 18 Rights available

In a sarcastic and satirical style, the author, like a pirate, takes on the quiet ship of poetry. Manifesto or anti-manifesto, a critique or a declaration of love, venting or butting heads, punchline or practical joke; the collection refuses no label, but takes them all on willingly like a bit of petrol to get things moving; up to the reader to do his part…
Bestseller. An extract was used for the 2020 Bac (French Baccalaureate). Selected for the Prix des Découvreurs 2020 (2020 Talent Scout Award).