There is so much light here

There is so much light here

Category : Photography Photographs : Payram 55 photographs Size : 16,5 x 21,5 cm/ Hard Cover with jacket 112 pages / Colour + black & white French Le Bec en l'air ISBN : 9782367441184 / 36 € Release date : Rights available

In 1983, Iranian photographer Payram fled his country for France, driven away by the Islamic Revolution. For more than 30 years, he has been getting to grips with his status as an exile through his intimate relationship with light. Light may by definition be the fundamental material of the photographic medium, but for Payram it is also the subject, the medium of meaning itself and the mark of the indescribable. This monograph pays tribute to this quest for light through a series of Polaroids taken with a large-format camera.
