In my appartement, if you come over

In my appartement, if you come over

Category : Children Kochka Illustrator : Fabienne Cinquin F0007 : Il y a Size : 18 x 22 cm/ Slipcase 16 pages French Éditions du Ricochet ISBN : 9782352630456 / 8,50 € Release date : Rights available

When we walk through the front door, we get home. A child is invited to stay the night with a friend. Eating with his parents, discovering his treasures in the bedroom, sleeping in a strange bed – all key moments in a young child’s life. And perhaps there are secret hiding places where he cannot go…
In my appartment is the third book from the serie There are. 4 board books dedicated to 4 physical spaces and enhancing the young reader’s sense of him or herself within its immediate environment.