Curious, Chatterbox and Coquette

Curious, Chatterbox and Coquette

Category : Children Michel Piquemal Ilustrator : Bruno Robert 15 illustrations F0007 : Les canoës du Ricochet Size : 24 x 34 cm/ Hardback 36 pages / Colour + black & white French Éditions du Ricochet ISBN : 97823526300678 / 14,70 € Release date : Rights available

Three Princesses, Curious, Chatterbox and Coquette, leave their father in despair. The king would have preferred sons, capable of succeeding him! Despite this, the three princesses deeply love their grumpy father. One day war breaks out ... Each princess tries to offer solutions but their father does not listen. Defeated by the enemy, the king is taken prisoner. This is the ideal opportunity for the three sisters to prove their true value and qualities...