Those Who Remain

Those Who Remain

Category : Photography Photographs : William Guidarini Text : Laura Serani 46 photos F0007 : Collection : Photographies Size : 17 x 20 cm/ Hard Cover with jacket 84 pages / Black & white French & English Arnaud Bizalion Éditeur ISBN : 9782369800545 / 25 € Release date : Mar 01, 15 Rights available

Solitary people form long queues, walking, like an endlessly flowing human river. I penetrate this vast swirling urban theater. Shouldering the weight of my past, I wander these narrow lanes, these deafening boulevards. Searching for meaning. Only the voices of Thom York (Radiohead), Jacques Brel and Bashung intrude on the present. The rest is solitary, intimate, visceral experience.
William Guidarini