Today, I Come to Dwell with You

Today, I Come to Dwell with You

Category : Religion André Braunstedter F0007 : Le Guetteur Size : 13 x 19 cm/ 144 pages / Black & white French Éditions Grégoriennes ISBN : 9782367660233 / 10 € Release date : Apr 01, 19 Rights available

By way of the story of Zacchaeus, the Jewish tax collector for the Roman occupying forces, this historical novel takes the reader into the life of Palestine at the time of Jesus. The story of Zacchaeus, his integration within the historical and geographical context, put the reader in presence of a truly endearing personage whose daily life takes place during the time when we learn about the young prophet whose name is Jesus — a very lively portrait of society at the time of Jesus, but also a documented approach that draws on historical sources that respect the Scriptures.