Tremé Neighbourhood

Tremé Neighbourhood

Category : Photography Alexis Pazoumian 64 photographs Size : 24 x 30 cm/ Hardback 120 pages / Colour French & English André Frère Éditions ISBN : 9791092265651 / 37 € Release date : Nov 01, 17 Rights available

Alexis Pazoumian arrives in New Orleans in Augusts 2015. The question haunting the city ten years after Katrina is how to rebuild? How to build a future when the past has been stolen by a massive tidal surge?
He stays several months until March 2016. Very soon, he sees flashes of the driving forces in these neighbourhoods of the most creole city in the USA: humanity, identity, society and territory. And above all, he catches a glimpse of a common thread: music, the real cement of New Orleans, cradle of jazz and shrine to funk and soul.
