The Passion for Precision: Robert Musil and Philosophy

The Passion for Precision: Robert Musil and Philosophy

Category : Humanities and social science Jacques Bouveresse Size : 11,8 × 20 cm/ Paper Cover 160 pages Hors d'atteinte ISBN : 9782382570432 / 17 € Release date : Jan 19, 24 Rights available

Robert Musil is the thinker with whom Jacques Bouveresse felt the closest kinship. Why was he so drawn to a writer whose intellectual project significantly diverges from traditional philosophical thought? This attraction might be seen as a rebellious stance and an embodiment of a nonconformist philosophy. Bouveresse found a kindred spirit in this untimely, dissident writer, whose marginality was both endured and embraced. Musil defended ideas that went against the prevailing irrationalism of his time, charting an independent course.