The body has a little, a lot, so much to say...

The body has a little, a lot, so much to say...

Category : Children Text: Rhéa Dufresne Illustrations: Sébastien Chebret F0007 : Les canoës Size : 22 x 22 cm/ Hardback 32 pages / Colour French Éditions du Ricochet ISBN : 9782352632245 / 12,50 € Release date : Oct 01, 19 Rights available

It isn't always necessary to speak in order to express oneself - the body has a language of its own! Running towards someone when you're happy to see them again, frowning when you don't want to do something, hopping up and down with impatience... A simple text, with colourful, expressive illustrations. A book to help us better understand one another.
