

Category : Children Author : Michel Francesconi Illustrator : Nicolas Gouny F0007 : Je sais ce que mange Size : 22 x 25,5 cm/ Hardback 40 pages / Colour French Éditions du Ricochet ISBN : 9782352631347 / 12,50 € Release date : Mar 01, 15 Rights available Except Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish & Vietnamese

Sugar Lump or powder sugar... White ou brown sugar... Where does the sugar come from? We extract sugar from beetroots or sugar canes. The plants are grounded, the juice is heated... and through a juice extractor here comes a syrup and then sugar crystals...

At the end, a 2 pages comic books gives information about nutrition and sugar labels. Careful, there are hidden sugars even in salted food! How can we eat good sugar in good quantity?

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