Some Words on this Eye that Misleads Us
Category : Art Author : Hugues Romano 45 illustrations F0007 : Papotages entre amis autour d'une œuvre Size : 13 x 18 cm/ Paper Cover 94 pages / Colour + black & white French L'Art-Dit ISBN : 9782919221172 / 10 € Release date : Jun 01, 13 Rights availableThis 94-page work is the full transcript of a conference given by Hugues Romano as part of an exhibition that confronted figurative painting with abstract photography. The question is to know, or to try to know, at what point our eyes begin to deceive us and how artists manage to hoax us! The book contains reproductions of the works cited by the author, from classic icons to Monet and Cézanne, not forgetting Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, and others.