Jane Evelyn Atwood by Christine Delory-Momberger

Jane Evelyn Atwood by Christine Delory-Momberger

Category : Photography Jane Evelyn Atwood & Christine Delory-Momberger Photos : Jane Evelyn Atwood 34 photos F0007 : Collection : Juste entre nous Size : 14 x 19 cm/ Paper Cover 160 pages / Colour + black & white French André Frère Éditions ISBN : 9791092265262 / 19,50 € Release date : Jan 01, 16 Rights available

We can hear Jane Evelyn Atwood’s voice. She explains, she tells her photographer course, the political commitment of her photography, her relationship to the people and places she photographs, her position of concerned woman. She doesn’t go to the killing fields, when she is interested in a subject, she questions with her camera, takes the time to meet people, to let things happen. She never knows how long a job will take, and only stops when the feeling of having an answer to her original question emerges-and this can take years.
