China's Linguistic Imagery

China's Linguistic Imagery

Category : Children Illustrator: Catherine Louis Author: Claudia Berger Size : 23 x 22,5 cm/ Hardback 256 pages Éditions Picquier ISBN : 9782809710397 / 25 € Release date : Jan 01, 15 Rights available

Chinese writing, or meaning conveyed by images, is readily understandable even by the youngest. They intuitively understand its logic and what it relates to.

This work presents 500 Chinese characters, grouped under some 40 “keys”: man, tree, bamboo, mouth, horse, pig... Each character is shown alongside its transcription in pinyin, a brief explanation, and a lifesize rendition. Ultimately a fascinating, joyful and instructive way to understand and explore page after page, delve into detail, dream, play and imagine. For all ages.