Chauvin in Colombia

Chauvin in Colombia

Category : Photography Guillaume Chauvin 78 photographs Size : 18 x 26 cm/ Hardback 196 pages French & Spanish André Frère Éditions ISBN : 9791092265743 / 32 € Release date : Sep 01, 18 Rights available

If Tintin had photographed and described his exploits, he certainly wouldn't have done like this. But Guillaume Chauvin, yes. The invitation from l’Institut Français for the joint France-Colombia celebration year 2018 was an opportunity for him to document in the form of a book the daily lives of volunteer Colombians from waking to sleeping – student, governor, veterinarian, soldier... The author, freed from journalistic and artistic constraints, delivers in 196 pages his "personal investigation" of a culture he had known nothing about apart from its stereotypes.