Bobby Sands, Belfast 1981

Bobby Sands, Belfast 1981

Category : Photography Photographs: Yan Morvan Text: Sorj Chalandon 125 photograhs Size : 24 x 30 cm/ Hardback 240 pages French & English André Frère Éditions ISBN : 9791092265712 / 44,50 € Release date : Nov 01, 18 Rights available

Bobby Sands, a young Irish member of the British Parliament, died on 5 May 1981 at 01:17 am.
He had gone on hunger strike on 1 March 1981, followed by nine other political prisoner members of the IRA and INLA. 
They were calling for their right to be recognised as political prisoners. They all die, but Bobby Sands becomes a symbol of the fight for independence, and Sipa Agency photographer Yan Morvan is on hand to cover his funeral and the resulting riots.