Age of innocence

Age of innocence

Children and Guns in the USA Category : Photography Photographs : Laurent Elie Badessi Texts : Jennifer Carlson & Laurent Elie Badessi 60 black & white photographs Size : 24 x 23 cm/ Hardback 144 pages French & English Images Plurielles Editions ISBN : 9782919436316 / 25 € Release date : Mar 10, 20 Rights available

Rylee, Donovan, Gracie, Catalyan, Lily, Michael... they are between 3 and 17 years old and live in Texas, Idaho, Louisiana, New York.... these children and teenagers posed for photographer Laurent Elie Badessi with firearms and answered one simple question: “What do you like about guns?” The aim of this series of photographs is to explore how important guns are to many Americans— and this book invites us to directly examine the social, political, and moral realities that guns foster.

‘‘What do you like about guns?’’
Jared, 17 years old: ‘‘I like mystery behind guns, causing people to wonder whether they are a gift to be used for protection or a burden causing catastrophe.’’